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Due to the loss of a large number of young people, tulou (a type of traditional Chinese architecture) and culture are gradually being abandoned.

The project explores how cultural memory can be recreated through an interactive narrative centered on the gradual abandonment of traditional dwellings, the Tulou, with blueprint scripts in Meta Quest Pro and UE providing players with an experience that switches directly between VR and AR. The plot of the game is a metaphor for the real world, and ultimately the architecture and culture of the real world is preserved through the game.

由于大量年轻人的流失,土楼(中国传统建筑的一种)和文化正逐渐被遗弃。该项目探讨了如何通过以传统民居土楼逐渐被遗弃为中心的互动叙事来重现文化记忆,并通过 Meta Quest Pro 和 UE 中的蓝图脚本为玩家提供在 VR 和 AR 之间直接切换的体验。游戏的情节隐喻了现实世界,同样的,也通过游戏保留了现实世界的建筑和文化。